Takeaways from Xi’s Congress

Originally published at The Indian Express, 24 October 2022. p.14. Published online as ‘Xi Jinping’s Congress: What are the implications for China, the world, and India?’ What are the main takeaways  from the CPC Congress?  The CPC’s 20th Congress underlined General Secretary Xi Jinping’s role not just as the core of the Central Committee but also …

Why factional politics might no longer matter in China

Originally published at 9DashLine, 6 October 2022. It is axiomatic that authoritarian states will be more vulnerable to sudden leadership changes or to regime collapse than open, democratic systems. Therefore, it is natural for China’s leaders to worry, and not entirely surprising that the Chinese Party-state has spent more on internal security than it has …

19th National Congress of the CPC: Xi Jinping Firmly in Charge

Xi places great stress on the CPC in the vanguard role for China. Taken together with his calls for national ‘rejuvenation’, it would appear there is a turn towards greater authoritarianism and centralisation in China.

New Leadership in China: Quo Vadis Political Reform?

More than the challenges of political reforms, it appears the Communist Party of China fears a return to the populism and demagoguery of the Mao era.